JayBump: “Squeeze” ft. Louis Maestro has all the stylistic hallmarks of expansive hip hop
Jordan Bumpus aka JayBump was born in Muncie, Indiana, which is less than an hour from Indianapolis, where his childhood memories are filled with computers, microphones, keyboards, cameras, and gadgets due to his father being a musician and a technology enthusiast.
His enthusiasm for technology from a nearly age gave him the ability to comprehend and manipulate analog and digital signals, which linked together with his passion for paying the keyboards and the drums gives him the aptitude to be what his is today, an all-encompassing artist and producer. A Murray State University graduate, JayBump has been on his grind for 15 years, working out of New York, Kentucky, Indiana and Florida.
“Squeeze” featuring Louis Maestro certainly it has all the stylistic hallmarks of JayBump’s expansive hip hop oeuvre and plenty of the pop nous that locks disparate components together and transforms the whole into something greater than its glittering parts. JayBump is arguably the one of most extravagantly gifted, daring and creatively ambitious rapper, singer and producer working in underground popular music right now.

There is much to be admired in his music, and a whole lot more to be enjoyed. “Squeeze”, as with all his other music releases, is certainly rich in musical scope, chock a block with inspired ideas, encompassing lush melodies and striking beats showcasing JayBump’s skills as a rapper, producer and overseer of other people’s talents, when he is producing or allowing features on his songs.
JayBump, is careful though to not become so self-involved as to cross over into self-delusion, marked by any tangible absence of perspective and objectivity, losing sight of the elemental basics of his art. Many a great talent before him has been sabotaged by overweening ambition that they lose track of what the people want.
JayBump delivers his art, but never makes it too complex or overstated, so as to go over the heads of his audience. The beats are bouncing, the hooks are pristine and fresh, the lyrics are captivating and the production solid gold.
The knockout blow comes with the performances which are, as always faultless. JayBump is a virtuoso of vibes, especially good ones, so he doesn’t just bring music and words to the table, he brings a feeling, an aura which succeeds in producing a sense of simultaneous nostalgia and innovation.
The sounds wraps itself around you’re pleasure dome and never let’s go. The next thing you find yourself nodding and riding along to the beat. JayBump’s music is unafraid of raw emotion and is both personal and strangely universal. Plus it has a sterling quality to match its massive expectations.
“Squeeze” is one of those wonderful tracks that appeal to a huge audience without sacrificing a shred of integrity. Soon JayBump will have hip-hop’s undivided attention where he will be able to inject it with more of his provocative and entertaining elements!