Anzi: “On My Own” – a consistently gorgeous and timeless pop arrangement!
Out on Chrome City Records, “On My Own,” is the debut single from recording artist, Anzi. The Washington, DC, born and raised performer who has a Master’s Degree from the University of Maryland, co-wrote the song with Marc Lotus, Chris Coleman.
Though a classic ballad, the track is not just another sad song, say the writers. It’s actually about hope and clarity, and a girl discovering that just because a relationship ends, that’s not the end of her. She’ll be just fine—as will we all—as long as we love ourselves and keep moving forward.
From the moment the first notes of “On My Own” kicks in, you will notice the grace and fluidity that arises from the voice of this incredible singer-songwriter. This is a song that will make young heartbroken girls feel a lot better about who they are.
It is a reminder that a person’s faith in themselves can be restored after being damaged. “On My Own” is a song that you can listen to for inner strength when you need it. It is a song that even touches me, because I firmly believe that anyone can get a ‘second wind’. It is the kind of song that should motivate you not to give up on anything.
You will love Anzi’s breathy power, and deep, pure and powerful delivery. Her personality is sublime and grounded. Her tones blend into the hooks and crescendos like instruments joining to harmonics in a fine world class symphony.
Tastefully retro in its musical approach, this track may remind you of classic older songs by Celine Dion and the like. The maturity, sophistication and controlled vocals that Anzi displays here, belies the fact that this is actually her debut.
The production by Marc Lotus is luscious, rich and cohesive, avoiding all the modern pop clichés. For me this sounds like a classic love anthem from another era, that bar after bar, builds itself into a consistently gorgeous and timeless pop musical arrangement.
Add in the extremely personal meaning this song has, and you have all the pieces that will make Anzi a very desirable songstress in the near future.