“Diamonds” – JP the Great ft. AK Nuisance, Majinn Druu and Guuru Sagod
“Diamonds” is a song by JP the Great ft. AK Nuisance, Majinn Druu and Guuru Sagod. Calling your track “Diamonds” seems like a bold statement. But, the confident cadence JP the Great barrels through with is perfect. His ease over the mic enables the listener to soak in his tales of hustling and Southern balling beyond what most offer. The production is just as powerful and fierce. There are a range of guests here, so it’s hard to keep up with all the voices, but the track bumps from start to finish. The relatively short, three-minute length only makes the song just that much better from a quality perspective.
The knack for intoxicating hooks are there, and JP the Great gives the project the real meat. He provides that punch that only hip-hop can bring to the table. He sounds so comfortable and so at home; he is remarkably agile vocally and never loses that quintessential, smooth melodic voice. He has the aura and confidence of a veteran, but he sounds as excited and as hungry as any up-and-comer.
On the one hand the rest of the crew will eat your face, and the hook is as rich and sultry. No matter where the track meanders sonically, its JP the Great who gives it that special feel. He is the engine that sends “Diamonds” careening into your ears and heart. He really shows us that next level of creativity, that emphasis on keeping things fresh and different. It brings some new elements that are a welcome change from today’s monotone rap as it featured on the radio.
JP the Great may be one of those underrated, underground rappers in my opinion. His lyrically flow is always on point and the beat here is full-on bass heavy. If you like good hip hop that’s creative and pushes boundaries, “Diamonds” has got you covered. The track is equal parts swagger and somber.
And with its blaring keys and feature interludes, it is the perfect backdrop to prove that some Southern rappers can be lyrical powerhouses. Neither of the guests sound like they are operating too far outside their respective wheelhouses and the combination of their styles works well.
It’s a testament to how distinct the “Diamonds aesthetic is, making this an amazing collaboration effort. In the end the biggest downfall of this record is that there isn’t enough of it!
Catch up with JP the Great on his website at https://www.lucidhouseproductions.com