Lyrics Of Two: “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”
In a seemingly indefinite era of violence and indifference, philosophers can prove to be radicals by simply telling us what we should already know. The problem is that, all too often, we just don’t care. Marie Helen Abramyan and her award winning project Lyrics Of Two, for one, has noticed how numb we’ve become (or maybe always were), and isn’t having any of it. Their new single, “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”, meditates on, and makes the case for, life not being some whimsical fate of errors, but a tragedy so unbelievably self-inflicted because of our indifference. Mankind has a profound misunderstanding of its own survival.

The fact that humans were given the chance to live in a potential utopia and instead squandered its legacy by creating hierarchies and carrying out violence against one another, is outright ludicrous and so impossibly self-aggrandizing that life no longer makes any sense. At least not to everyone, in the same way,
“Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” wastes no time getting to the point, as it opens with a verse that summarizes where the Californian songwriter, Marie Helen Abramyan’s mind is at: “There’s only one earth, and one glorious sky / One fleeting time, quickly passing us by / To put our differences aside, and make everything alright / For our one human race / No matter what tongue, creed , color or faith / A mother’s gentle love, an elder’s wise words / Same heart and soul, no matter where in the world / So in this one world, we got one chance, under this one sky / Let’s come together for all mankind.”
Contemporary pop culture has produced no shortage of successful musicians, but not a lot of interesting ones, and Lyrics Of Two has managed to hook itself to a game that rewards artists who go out of their way to not be lyrically boring.
Their lyrics are as fluorescently luminous as their themes are deep and weighty, while the music is unavoidably seductive, and gloomier thoughts usually give way toward optimistic views of how love could be enough to overcome the isolating idiosyncrasies of modern life. Musically, too, there is nothing but beauty in Lyrics Of Two’s work, and the formula is again stunningly executed on “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”.

The emotion and passion in the singer’s voice allows the listener to feel the music and appreciate the lyrics. While the soundscape is sculpted with unobtrusive organic sounds – piano, guitar, bass and drums resonate with an understated authenticity which lends itself towards circumstantiating lines such as: “Life teaches us to / Bend like the willow during a storm / Glide like an eagle / Under the sun mighty and warm / But to stand together / No matter the weather / Unity is all for the better.”
“Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” is certainly a pleasing, reassuring vehicle through which to be informed of all the reasons Marie Helen Abramyan and Lyrics Of Two believe the human race can be saved from its own ill-fated ways.
More About Lyrics Of Two: Award-winning Lyrics Of Two is a band from Los Angeles, California, founded by lyricist, songwriter and sociologist Marie Helen Abramyan. A classically trained pianist, Marie Helen’s training began with her uncle Ashot Abramyan, a notable violinist of the Utah Symphony, after whom the Abramyan String Quartet was founded. Lyrics Of Two have scored many chart topping, award-winning songs, while Marie Helen has also written hits for international pop stars and for country music artists as well.