Jones & Fischer: “Perfect Kinda Crazy” – Intense, anthemic and melodic!
Darin Jones and Caleb Fischer make up the Pacific North West based duo/band, Jones & Fischer. The two have blended their different styles and influences from each of their own hometowns; Seattle, Washington and San Antonio Texas, fused it into their county sound. Completely independent, they are building their fan base by hitting the road and paying their dues one show at a time, playing the songs they wrote. In 2 years Jones & Fischer have logged 50,000+ road miles, played over 300 concerts, released a self-produced independent album with two award winning music videos, while being voted the #1 country band in Washington by NBC ‘King 5’s Best Of’ for 2014 & 2015, and have been handpicked to open up for artists like: Blackberry Smoke, Big N Rich, Trace Adkins, Gloriana, A Thousand Horses, Wade Bowen, and more.
So you spend your day in an office, or more likely a cube, or behind a counter. You work long hours, get frustrated with all the daily grind issues of miscommunication, unhappy clients, unhappy bosses, and by the end of the day you want to tear your hair out for the frustration of it all.
Then you get home to a jealous and angry girl. Can’t handle it? Then listen to “Perfect Kinda Crazy”, the brand new single by Jones & Fischer, they got a whole new spin on angry, jealous girls. It is a mid-tempo, forget-your-work, and think-about-your-girl, type of song. You’ll be swaying and singing along while stuck in a traffic jam.
“Perfect Kinda Crazy” is full of sexy thoughts, and desire, despite the fact that your girl is getting ready for a fight, but as Jones & Fischer sing: “She can raise hell all she wants. Throw my clothes on out on the lawn. Break all our pictures off the wall, and drink a bottle till it’s gone. Curse my name out all night long. She don’t know how much that turns me on.”
This is a damn good listen, it’s a record that emphasizes great songwriting, high riding chord progressions and Jones & Fischer’ s trademark emotional vocals with a whole lot of gasoline in the music tank, firing up the engine.
Intense, anthemic and melodic, I can’t help, but think of some tracks from the legendary Brooks & Dunn catalog when I listen to this record. With Jones & Fischer you feel the energy that you just don’t get from other artists right now.
With its catchy lyrical hooks and singalong choruses, there’s no doubt that “Perfect Kinda Crazy” is a song that was made with commercial success in mind and it should achieve that objective with relative ease.