L.HUNT: “A Friend In Old Sol” – an exquisite sense of proper balance
The modern serious composer has a daunting challenge. How does his work get heard in a world of pop, hip-hop, and dance music? L.HUNT’s offerings go straight to the heart, not just the feet and hips. His creations seem to hearken from a time when people listened to the soft shades and voices that combine like fine food with delicate spices and sauces. There is no ‘hit song’ or ‘summer dance anthem’, in his composition vocabulary. The more one puts his music through its paces, the more the listener marvels that one individual has so many shiny polished gems to share. L.HUNT though, is not one self-centered do-it-all-by-yourself individual, instead he shares his creative and performing panorama with a wealth of talented people in the creation of his masterworks.
One such masterwork, is of course his epic “LifeWork Passage One – The Question”, a four-part rock opera about the human condition and madness. It contains a total of 28 tracks divided into five scenes. From this collection of songs, comes the latest single “A Friend In Old Sol”.
Lyricist L.HUNT, is joined by music composer Chris Davidson and Syd Greene on lead vocals. While the band includes Ori Shlez (Piano), Faliq Auri (Tin Whistle), Giovanni Perin (Vibraphone) and Andrey Golodukhin (Drums). “A Friend In Old Sol” is rich with the varying aural atmospheres that graces all of L.Hunt’s songs.
It’s time for a new generation of young music lovers to discover the joy of heart-expanding music that inspires and uplifts. In the effort to replace the darkness and cynicism of our doubts, and the direction our species is taking, we must first endeavor to purge the mind of dark passions.
Inspiring music like “A Friend In Old Sol” is capable of lifting our thoughts out of an animalistic nature to something more selfless, limitless and spiritual. Music can be used to expand our attempts to bring a more compassionate aura of kindness to this universe.
It can affect our thinking in a way that allows each listener to find his own path with the inspiration that an accomplished and creative musician like L.HUNT can produce. It also helps that this type of music in particular it will grow on you and improve with each and every time you listen to it
L.HUNT is creating his music with a maturity of a man who has developed an exquisite sense of proper balance. His music is rich and evocative, but also manages to stay intimate and personal at the same time.
“A Friend In Old Sol” displays the confidence and experience of an accomplished musician who knows how to get the music exactly as he imagines it with precise, hand-picked collaborations, as well as today’s digital recording and mixing technologies. The mix on this record is clean, dynamic, and well balanced.