Noise Therapy: “Fun For A Change” an impressive showcase of skate punk
The most recognizable feature within Noise Therapy is project leader, Tyler Scope’s vocal performances and lyrics. He never quite sings in the traditional sense and often goes off in a shouting spree. Rather, he rants, semi-sings or moves into the spoken when necessary, but there can be no doubt about his sincerity – the fast-paced, aggressive delivery is as raw and understandable as it comes. Although Tyler is indubitably angry in most songs, it does not mean he is incapable of adding some wit to his songs. Some of them are actually quite clever. Noise Therapy are the people next door that everyone hates, but secretly admire the brashness they have, to be who they are. That also describes this album in a nutshell: simple but deep, brash but honest, loud and obnoxious at times, just like those annoying neighbors.
At first glance, the EP “Fun For A Change” seems almost a pain to listen to. The hectic and grueling guitar riffs in the background, the loud and discordant melodies, and the all over “unwholesome” lyrics make for a one helluva trip. But is that trip a good one? You can bet your life on it.
Once the initial shock of how blunt this project is, is over, you start to get the real depth of the lyrics and the music. Noise Therapy are speaking for a plethora of disenfranchised, unwanted generation of ignored people. All the angst, anger and real-life drama of a typically non-conforming socially conscious warrior’s life is apparent here.
On the whole Noise Therapy show a lot of potential too improve on an already impressive showcase of skate punk, musical and lyrical prowess. “I’m Over It”, “Heroin Killed Darby Crash”, “Logic Is Dead”, “Fulton County Outcast” and “We Have No Beach” is the running order on “Fun For A Change” and they are exactly what you would expect.
A manic, fast paced chaos coming at you like a runaway freight train with Tyler Scope as its conductor. Those who know the story about The Germs’ lead singing legend Jan Paul Beahm aka Bobby Pyn, who died of an intentional heroin overdose, will quickly understand the implications of “Heroin Killed Darby Crash”.
Noise Therapy are now and always have been a mad undisciplined ride that takes punk music up several notches. Tyler Scope is a pissed off motherfucker. The vocal angst and fast guitars on these tracks show off as much. The sound is pretty much frenzied skate punk along the lines of peers Minor Threat and Black Flag but brasher.
The production is rough, raw and raucous, but Noise Therapy have one thing no major league producer can add – fire! The speed, aggression levels and tempos are on par with the best hardcore punk acts of the day – and I’m not talking about ‘today’.
Today, there are no hardcore punk acts worth a mention. I’m talking about ‘back in the day’, when punk ruled a large portion of the alternative rock roost. The general formula of the EP is no song over 2:00, and only two songs come close to that limit. Which is perfect, considering most will find it tough to withstand the traditional kick in the mouth style Noise Therapy dishes out.
If you are a skate or hardcore punk fan and do not have this EP – which is unlikely as it only dropped last month – then I suggest that you get it. You probably won’t find it at your local record store or hear it on your local radio station but you can definitely find it online. Don’t wait any longer, get it now.