Izzy Mawdesley: “Bliss” – perfection defined!
Izzy Mawdesley is a young singer songwriter, hailing from Dorset, UK. Since the age of 12, she has been a prolific composer, experimenting with different instruments and sounds, whilst retaining a keen ear for her love of cinematic music. “Bliss” is her first track to be available on iTunes and other stores. There are few tracks that come around and make such a lasting impression as this one. Stripped to its essentials, when one puts the songwriting together with the voice, and minimal production, one can only reasonably exclaim genius. Less becomes more when every aspect of it is perfection defined. Words, meaning, arrangement, production and performance. That is what happens on “Bliss”.
Just to get a clearer view of who Izzy Mawdesley is, and what she represents artistically, I quickly ran through her catalog on Soundcloud. Well, each recording is a delight. Indeed, she’s as good as anyone I’ve ever heard recently, and she completely throws herself into every performance.
Blending ethereal wispiness with earthiness and emotion, her songs range from soaring electro-ambient to delicate folk-styled balladry and somber cinematic-laced meditations. Throughout her song collection, Izzy pushes her vocals into rarified territory, sometimes finding notes in brief moments that feel like emotions the songs simply could not hold within.
This is the sound of an artist’s talent and vision meeting an empathetic and embracing production. The sparse, stripped down piano-vocal arrangement on “Bliss”, gives the song incredible depth and realism.
The whole narrative leans heavily on the vocal nuancing, and Izzy’s voice sounds gorgeous and graceful. Her performance induces thoughts of love, desire and sweet surrender. You can listen to Izzy’s smooth voice deliver meaningful moments and get lost in the melody as her dulcet tones take listeners to another place and time. That kind of performance power in music, is becoming rare.
The opening piano notes of “Bliss” will capture audiences, and Izzy Mawdesley’s incredibly beautiful vocal delivery will just keep them captivated until the song ends. The simplicity of the lyrical poetry is effective, together with the combination of the composition as a whole. Some artists, like Izzy, can put you in a mental groove.
She understands her cerebral aptitude, and seems to delight in weaving songs that are consciousness-altering. With a voice capable of sharp, breaking tones, as well as softer, folk-like whispers, Izzy Mawdesley has a wide palette to work with in creating her songs, even when few other instruments are included. And “Bliss” is a perfect showcase for that.