Simpatico – “Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond) – all-round solid stuff!
Odds are if you’re reading this review, you may have heard of Simpatico’s music before. If you haven’t, it’s your lucky day: you just struck a hidden gold mine of music that will catch you off guard. The best part? The producer’s latest track, “Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond), set for official release on the 16th of September, is even richer in instrumental gold than his previous chill release “Moonrise”. I found out about Simpatico a little while back and collected his single after immediately falling in love with the way it sounded. Simpatico is the direction you look in when you want something chill, melodic, soulful and surreal, and this latest track compliments these qualities so, so well. “Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond) is a gorgeous, swirling, kaleidoscope of R&B ambience and serves as substantial evidence for Simpatico’s ability to successfully carry off this sound.
During its most striking moments, “Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond) is yet another example of Simpatico’s musical craftsmanship, and excitingly it also clearly illustrates the validity of his collaborative effort with another musical artist. Cole Diamond is a perfect vocal fit for the ethereal and luxurious soundscape.
His voice is cool, calm and collected, yet loaded with an understated urgency which gives the track just the right amount of urban edge. The production value is uncompromised with the haunting vocals adding another layer to Simpatico’s distinct songwriting and luscious production.
The characteristic keyboard and bass motifs have shades of R&B and Soul about them, the samples and beat is reminiscent of chillwave electronica, while all awash in a mellow haze of delay and reverb making it feel somehow like ambient-induced music.
With these elements all blended together, it seems like Simpatico has landed upon some wondrously rich recipe. He creates a perfect mood and tone that sounds like years of exploring, incredibly thoughtful production, and a penchant for seemingly endless gorgeous melodic motifs methodically built atop one another in a simple but stunning composition.
Expanding on the blueprint of Simpatico’s musical dreams, Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond) weaves its way through organic love-ending vocal notes, and sleek futuristic musical moments, beautifully coalescing the two modes of transmission.
It’s a remarkable synthesis of voice and electronics – an emotionally transformative formula Simpatico has convincingly decoded. The pairing feels effortless, as though Cole Diamond’s presence has in some way always been a part of Simpatico’s fabric. His voice brings an immediate intimacy and exuberance to the music, but also the meaning through lyrics.
“Don’t Need U” (ft. Cole Diamond) represents an exciting new phase of Simpatico’s musical progression. The song thoughtfully articulates love, loss, recovery and transformational change in ways that resonate and harken back to the human experiences that binds us all.
It’s Simpatico at the top of his game, mixing the familiar with just the right amount of novelty to maximize impact. The result of adding a voice to Simpatico’s already gorgeous sound is absolutely successful. This is all-round solid stuff!