Temperance Lancecouncil – ‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ leaves an indelible footprint on your soul
As well as a long-time Screen Actors Guild actress, Temperance Lancecouncil is a County-Soul singer and songwriter. She has several releases available on all major music platforms, and is currently on a mission to bring unity, solidarity, hope and joy to the world, with her latest single, ‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’. “My song’s mission is to unite the world under one umbrella of unity and solidarity, and to evoke pride and support for the world’s heroic research scientists, virologists and medical professionals who have worked so diligently on vaccines and patient care to combat this worldwide pandemic,” stated Temperance Lancecouncil. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to loom, the world is looking to inspiring entertainment outlets to inject some positivity.
Throughout musical history, in times of uncertainty, there have always been songs to help get the world through hard times. ‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ is clearly a unifying anthem for our times. Moreover, Temperance Lancecouncil’s strong, soulful voice and striking beauty will score quickly with music audiences. Her emotion and conviction in the song is penetrating and her earthy vocals are in prime form. This is exactly what the world needed now, and Lancecouncil has delivered it on a silver platter.
When you put this song on you will automatically feel that will to keep moving forward despite the hard times, and if you already had the will to do so, ‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ will give you the final boost to the finish line.
“Together we are stronger. We got to pull together. Reach much higher now. Save the world,” sings Temperance Lancecouncil – her voice is as warm, embracing, and reflective as her song. As she brings the answers and the solutions, as opposed to just talking about the problems.
Hopeful, uplifting, inspiring, affirmative, and universal in its appeal and intention – that is the music of Temperance Lancecouncil here. This communication of love, respect and togetherness is delivered by one of the most persuasive voices in contemporary Country-Soul.
With her unerring sense of humanity and her compassionate message, Lancecouncil will touch audiences worldwide. She showcases a voice that balances out her powerful cords with her inner convictions, which aim to leave an indelible footprint on your soul.
The effortless combination of the slow-burning organic beat, and the powerful lyrical bites sung straight from the heart, proves that Temperance Lancecouncil has what it takes to be a dominant force in the musical world.
‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ not only promotes an utter love for life itself, but also a deep admiration for the incredible professional people who work so hard to preserve it, in moments of fragility. It’s a message you rarely hear in an age dominated by social-media shaming and finger-pointing.
For those who have watched gimmicks overshadow artistry and cringed as mediocrity has been hailed as modern-day classics, Temperance Lancecouncil brings us a taste of vintage Country-Soul.
She puts her money where her mouth is, or in this case, her voice, with that instantly recognizable smoky tone that has powered so many of her songs. The result is ‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ – one of the most soulful unifying and inspirational anthems of the year.
‘Globally We Sing; Erase 19’ is a musical poetic expression of solidarity that offers a universal message, regarding a global catastrophe that has, and is still, affecting us all.