Chameleon Culture: “The Universe Is A New Year’s Day Parade” is Stunning!
Chameleon Culture will hook you as soon as you hear their debut album "The Universe Is A New Year's Day Parade". This is an album...
GARCY420: “Bitter Break Up” – melodic fragments and upbeat pop and dance riffs
I'm old enough and jaded enough re: music that 99.9% of all new so called experimental artists on the scene over the last 10+ years...
Ivy Blue: “Present Shapes” – scrupulous experimental sensibilities
Ivy Blue is an alternative band from Te Aroha, New Zealand. “Present Shapes” is the band’s fifth album and delves into areas of rock, pop,...
Nick Cosic: “Interface” – ever changing journeys with unexpected oddness!
Nick Cosic brilliantly creates atmospheres of sound filled with stretchy ambient synth textures, electro-fusion elements, and eclectic percussive rhythms, all running together to form an...
Franck Palace: “Mi Playa” – a distinctive, textured approach!
Franck Palace is an experimental-fusion music band that mixes genres such as afro music, funk and jazz among the band's main songs. The band was...
Endsightt: “The Music Demo” plays out like a movie
Chances are you have never heard of Endsightt. He has managed to stay relatively unknown in the music world. Well not for long. Not sure...
Rawzilk: “It” – memorable elements are the sensations it induces
If you have heard last year’s single “Dolls”, you at least have an idea what to expect with Rawzilk. He produces music filled with colorful...