Rich Piedra Ready To Release His Debut EP – “Love Fantasy”
Richard Piedra is a 25 year veteran of the music scene. Richard started playing guitar at the age of 12 and spent his early years learning bar chords and mimicking his guitar idols like Steve Vai, Edward Van Halen, and George Lynch. After years of studying and playing music, Richard developed into a diverse artist with a wide musical background and an impressive playing style.
His first serious cover band was called “Barbed Wire” when he was seventeen. After several years of learning by ear, his musical direction began to change and he started to write his own music. With years of playing, writing and recording his own music, Rich has become a very skilled and creative songwriter in many musical styles.

In the past two decades, Rich has written hundreds of original songs and has recorded many CD’s with numerous bands. Rich Piedra will independently release his debut EP “Love Fantasy” on which he plays all of the instruments. “Being able to play and express oneself through music is real blessing,” says Rich “The feeling I get when playing the guitar or writing a new song is amazing. It’s a feeling that only songwriters and musicians can really appreciate.”
Anybody growing up as part of the glam rock, glitter rock, or art rock movements of the early 70’s will no doubt note how well Richard Piedra would have fitted the bill alongside artists such as Gary Glitter, Marc Bolan, Cockney Rebel, T-Rex, Mick Ronson, Alvin Stardust, Mott The Hoople, The Sweet…and the list is endless.
Rich to me, sounds like the ultimate rock n’ roll warrior. I can’t even think of any band out right now who comes close to what he is doing. His stuff is dripping with authentic, gritty rock n’ roll guitar tones and melodic, anthem-like melodies.
Rich Piedra’s songwriting throughout the 5 track EP is nothing short of superb, but the overall feeling of greatness that is put across cannot be laid entirely at the feet of songwriting alone. The instrumentation and all-round performances are tight, with the crunchy guitar riffs and solos obviously taking front seat. Add to this to some fine songs, and you have here an EP worthy of the tag `Milestone’ in rock ‘n’ roll 2016!

Nowhere will you find a finer rapid fire salvo of opening tracks than “Baby Don’t” and “Little Lover”. You’d have to go back to the sixties and seventies to hear rock ‘n’ roll music played this authentically. You could never make this music like they do today with Laptops and other hand held devices, unless it mounts 6 real steel strings.
Follow this with the wall to wall sound of “Crazy” and then the hard rock melodics of “Going Insane” – a song of vengeance guitar riffing. You’ll be left breathless by track four, with the high speed rocker “Hugs And Kisses”, still to come.
With Rich Piedra’s undoubtable songwriting skills and idiosyncratic vocals – as well as the snap, crackle, pop, and flash of his guitar playing, this EP is a timely reminder of the talents of one of rock’s, thus far, unknown mavericks, whose sound and playing style may still teach a trick or two to many of today’s young music-making Buckaroos.
Keep a lookout for Rich Piedra’s debut EP, “Love Fantasy”, on all digital download platforms! In the meantime checkout his cover of “Cruel Summer”.