Recklous: “One Day” unleashes his fire and fury!
Recklous lived in Santa Cruz until he was 11 and then moved to Marysville California, only to move back at 18. Now 19, Recklous has been rapping since he was fifteen, freestyling with friends. His first professional track, released on 16th February 2017 is entitled “One Day”. Recklous says that the overlying message in the music is that he has been through hell and back due to drug addiction, depression and anxiety, and believes that if you make it through all of that, everything will be alright. “Believing in myself, and never giving up,” says Recklous, “is what made my dreams reality.”
Right off the cuff, listening “One Day”, is like a breath of fresh air from all the other garbage that you hear on the radio nowadays, as Recklous unleashes his fire and fury for the next three and a half minutes. The song isn’t about the typical “money, clubs and women” that so many so-called ‘rappers’ today, repeat over and over in every other song they record.
Utilizing a very singular heartbeat-styled rhythm that is not clouded and muffled together, I am surprised at how amazing it sounds despite its general down toned bass ambience compared to modern Hip-Hop tracks which favor heavy instrumentation over lyrics.
The production is excellent, refraining from beating the pop-infused bush in favor of a more indie model, but the excellence in this track can be attributed to many things, but really most of the credit belongs to Recklous himself. He is emotional, serious, and blunt.
He doesn’t waste any time calling out the hypocrisy in modern media. I must admit that whenever I hear sad Hip-Hop music pushed out for pity bucks I tend to just roll my eyes, but “One Day” isn’t about making you sad. It’s about reminding us why even some of the saddest shit has silver linings.
Recklous doesn’t hate his past despite the curve balls it threw at him. He remembers it because of what he learned as a human being from those experiences. Where other rappers are spending their time complaining about the times they’ve fallen, Recklous knows the life he had and that’s all that matters.
He is here to remind us that the real test of the human spirit is in getting the fuck back up and moving forward. In fact, if Recklous and “One Day” teach us anything, it’s that it doesn’t get better until we make the decision to make it better. We can’t be helped by others if we choose not to help ourselves.
And once we achieve that status, maybe we too can rap the following lines taken from “One Day”: “It’s all gone away. It’s all gone – stress, fears and pain. It’s all gone away. Sitting at the bottom, no dollars, no change, it’s all gone away.” Hate him or love him, when you’re listening to Recklous, there’s a pretty damn good chance you’re listening to the positive future of hip-hop music.