Street Noize CoCky: “Shot’s Fired” – not for the fainthearted!
Street Noize CoCky’s career highlights include opening for Lil Wayne at the Red Zone in Columbus, OH- 2001 and opening for Franchise Boyz in West Virginia- 2003. Born William Christopher Knott in Detroit, MI, CoCky can trace his early love for music to his childhood mornings where he would wake to the sound of Marvin Gaye and Motown echoing from his kitchen. He purchased his first turntable at 14 and quickly succumbed to his early influences such as Run DMC and The Jackson Five. One year later Street Noize CoCky became interested in rap, and like many others taking the same path, began expressing himself through his life stories. Soon he would be blowing up the clubs and releasing records.
Street Noize CoCky has two singles doing the rounds – “Shot’s Fired” and the latest, “Hang Out”, which also has a brand new videoclip coming up in a few days’ time. These latest releases are lyrically on par with CoCky’s previous projects.
You can tell that his rap style is still growing gracefully during a time where rappers of his caliber would’ve fallen off. He emphatically proves that he still has ample firepower when it comes to laying down bars. He reminds people why he’s a force to be reckoned with on the track “Shot’s Fired”. He embraces his longstanding experience, as well as showcases that he can keep up with the Young Turks of today.
Street Noize CoCky’s hard hitting, overtly sexual and violent subject matter, as well explicit language goes right to the raw core here, and on both these new tracks he flows on top of two heavily percussive tracks, the funky “Shot’s Fired” and the EDM-infused “Hang Out”.
Street Noize CoCky can be defined as an intensely emotional tough guy who has never stopped putting everything out there. More importantly his one who sticks closely to his roots – or rather, to be honest he does pretty much whatever the fuck he wants, and won’t change for any trend.
Street Noize CoCky brings enough flavors to make any part of his songs enjoyable, which is the most you want from any track. Moreover his music is never contrived. It gets points across and doesn’t shy away from telling it like it is, or at least how Street Noize CoCky wants it to be. The beats are tight on both these singles, CoCky’s delivery is smooth and fiery, and his rhymes are hard, this isn’t for the fainthearted though!