Jackson Howard: “Just For The Mystery” trumps on its simplicity!
In April of 2014, Jackson Howard released his first EP A Place to Cross to a packed house at Blueberry Hill in St. Louis a few days after making his first television appearance on Fox2 News. He has since gained momentum, performing throughout the greater St. Louis area and releasing his debut album, “About Life” in 2015. The album caught the attention of Grammy-nominated producer Billy Smiley and began work on a new album at Dark Horse Studios in Franklin, TN with a host A-league musicians. Recently we caught up the Jackson’s single, “Just For The Mystery”, taken from the 10 track recording of the same name.
Sex and all its kinkiest permutations are the currency of today’s popular music. Regardless of whatever genre you turn to, from rock to pop to country, we are bombarded by songs filled with sexual innuendos. As a result, many of our songs these days are so sensory-based that they are superficially trite.
It’s a challenge nowadays to find songs that speak of love that transcends the here and now; songs that go naked into the soul; and songs that stay with us after a mere fleeting few months. In fact, you have to harkened back a couple of decades or more to find substantial love songs with lyrics that bear any substantial gravitas.
This is why a singer-songwriter like Jackson Howard is such a rare find. Howard writes about love, loss and possible betrayal with depth and dimension. His relationship analysis engage a much wider timeframe than just a one-night stand in a motel room: “When a young love grows old / Memory never knows / Innocent dreams unfold hiding the history / What if we leave this home / For a young love we’ve known / What if we find our love was just for the mystery?” Now that’s exploring a whole new avenue on the theme.
Jackson’s powerful performing charisma with his razzle-dazzle rhythm and his grasp of a melody that sticks, on “Just For The Mystery”, sets him apart from the usual pop pack. The song trumps on its simplicity.
Yet, it’s in its simplicity that Jackson Howard captures the listener’s attention so infectiously with a voice that resonates loudly and clearly. Jackson is a singer-songwriter to watch. This guy writes with such substantial depth – eliminating all pretension – that he could easily be the one to save our current crop of pop songs from its dire state of superficiality.