Amaal: “Need It Too” – diversity, vocal ability and unique sound
Amaal is a pop singer from Washington D.C. who has struggled with chronic pain and depression for years, and music has been a key in relief of his symptoms. He has been studying and performing music since he was 4 years old, and started taking singing lessons as he gravitated towards pop and jazz at fourteen. “Need It Too”, Amaal’s latest single makes the statement it needs to. The newcomer’s distinctive voice cuts through the melody sliding up and down the scales and packed with soul. From this point on he’s definitely on a winning streak as he impresses with his diversity, vocal ability and unique sound.
From the simple but touching relationship story that he tells in the single, Amaal is masterful in the art of narrative, and creating a story that is so much more than just a snapshot of one single moment. His lyrics really do something powerful, and it is when I actually took the time to listen to the words he had to share that I found my appreciation for “Need It Too”. There really is a sense that this young man has been on a journey which has taken him to both light and dark places, and his response to this has been to chronicle it through song.
As well as the song being lyrically strong, it helps that Amaal has such a distinctive voice, making his otherwise pop sounding music more unique than it would have been. His tone matches his words; it has a raw quality about it that makes it pleasant to listen to, but also gets across the emotion that he tries to deliver.
Amaal has talent aplenty with an emotive voice and a believability that would make many of his more blazoned contemporaries quiver in their boots. It’s obvious that everything that has unraveled, or pleasured him, has been channeled into a creating beautifully tender narrative.
More than anything else, what I think Amaal has done so well with here is create a song that people will want to hear. We want to hear about struggles, about love, about wanting to be there for someone and it’s this commonality that people will buy into. He’s at his best when we can see he’s just one of us from suburbia experiencing the same relationship challenges we all face.
“Need It Too” checks off the boxes for Amaal. First and foremost, he is able to showcase his capable voice. The nuances, the cracks, and the power all impress on this single Furthermore, the song itself is well-executed in numerous ways.
The pacing is a pro, beginning more restrained and evolving into something grander and more triumphant. The chorus is incredibly catchy, latching upon the first listen. The production is also selling point. It’s nothing too extravagant, but it serves as a solid backdrop for the focal point, which is Amaal’s authentic and passionate voice.