Bianca Jade: “B-Light” – comprised of distinct moments
She’s not exactly a household name just yet, but she undoubtedly will be sometime soon. She’s like head cheerleader, except approachable; the perfect every girl. Somehow, she’s able to inject just enough sincerity into her voice to make you believe it. She always sounds like she’s singing with a knowing smile, and a look of encouragement that makes the listener feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Further, she somehow projects this vibe whether she’s singing about happiness, love, disenchantment, or even sleeping alone naked in her bed. The thing is, you have to hear it to understand the captivating power her artistic persona possesses. Bianca Jade is a singer and songwriter of Cuban and Jamaican descent, born in Miami, Florida. She began singing at the young age of nine years old, and at fourteen, she started writing her own music and teaching herself to play piano and guitar. Bianca’s musical influences come from a variety of artists some of which are Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, and Aretha Franklin. Currently, her debut EP “B-Light” is available on all music platforms.
It’s time to bring music back to a place of authenticity, one of meaning and passion. Sometimes, it seems the craft of songwriting has been forgotten, or tossed by the wayside in favor of the empty hooks dosed with synthesizer, auto-tune and electro-pop, hip hop and club beats that now dominate the airwaves.
There is another type of music though, stuck between all the hype, something you might feel compelled to listen to it. Bianca Jade’s latest album “B-Light” is just that. As with other empowered female singers, she shows her vulnerability and breaks down the walls and barriers to human emotion, telling her own personal little stories through song.
Through her music she gives the impression that she knows who she is and what she wants, and she is not afraid of it. She shows thought in her lyrics, structure in the composition and passion in her performances. With 8 exquisitely crafted songs loaded with melody and heart, her fans won’t be disappointed, but this a must-listen for any music lover.
“B-Light” brings home everything positive about Bianca Jade. She opens the album with an inspiring monologue purposely meant to uplift and empower. It’s a great way to start the album, on a sense of ease and comfort, before exploding into a rhythmic and emotive “Can’t Let U Go” featuring DapYP.
The ballad “Love Me More”, builds to something much more haunting, intense and moving. It’s nearly my favorite song on the album, with Bianca Jade’s voice soaring and slow-swaying across the arrangement. “Sleeping Naked” is definitely one of the best song here, and you can see why, simply by reading the lyric sheet.
From the opening piano riff, it weaves and shimmies through a number of clever verses, escalating in intensity. Definitely sounds great cranked up. As does the summer-type anthem “I Don’t Care” featuring DayYP.
Some of the songs are comprised of distinct movements; rather than utilizing a simple form and bludgeon it throughout, she breaks a couple of the songs up, altering the rhythms, moods and tones, while still maintaining the elements that make them what they are. “Enchanted”, and the best song on the album, “B-Light Ballad”, are prime examples, of the distinct levels of lyrical, harmonic and melodic complexity present.
The verdict? Whether you’re a Bianca Jade fan or not, you’ll likely love this album. And if you vaguely enjoy well written songs, excellent melodies and passionate singing this will be an absolute euphoric listen.