Three60: “Forever A Party” – Creativity and Determination!
CEO and co-founder of AllBoutCash.ent, Three60, is working hard on 2 projects to finish in 2018. A collaboration mixtape “TheWeight: Unbothered” from Stoley1st and Three60 in October, and his own solo album “Here I Go Vol 3: The Album” in December. This will count as Three60’s 5th and 6th projects to date, in his ever growing discography. @ATGROXCG gets all mixing and mastering credits, and @11vox11 as always will have features on both projects. In the meantime, the artist who claims to be ‘West Coast fed, and Midwest born’, has dropped the single “Forever A Party”. Why isn’t Three60’s name up there with the truly great rappers? If there was only one underground artist ever that I could listen to my whole life, Three60 is the one. He has that rough, raw voice that lets you know he’s all biz.
He growls with high intensity that you just can’t find in the current candy coated trap world. He doesn’t sell out for fortune and fame. He stays true to his artistry, and that’s what makes him so unique and genuine. Plus, he can really belt out those raps.
“Forever A Party” has a very rough and rugged sound; the hard banging beat matches Three60’s deep, vicious flow and voice. This is the getting-harder-to-find type of rap, provided mostly by AllBoutCash.ent. Though his beat has a west coast flair, this is a Midwestern man with his own convictions and determination.
The track is a welcome reminder of Three60’s impressive ability to disturb and captivate with equal regard. And he has pushed his way to the front of the line with this release. Three60 puts in effort from start to finish on his work, and that is definitely evident here.
Listen to the song’s lyrical content that shows talent mixed with amazing style which is very relevant and elevates the mind to today’s important themes. People nowadays are so brainwashed into loving generic untalented losers just fabricated for mainstream propaganda that they sometimes lose sight of artists like Three60, which is too bad in some ways, and rather pathetic in others.
Luckily the man is still busy pouring his all into creating music that amazes, inspires and is just so sweet, on a sound system. Why? Because music runs through him, his creativity, his determination and of course his performance.
Three60’s level of making music is leaps and bounds ahead of many of his contemporaries on the block. The messages, the words, the music, and the flow it’s all there. Less talented rappers rely on the overuse of digital tricks as a crutch, to sound half as good. Three60 knows it’s all about the flow, lyrics, pace, tempo, and raw skill.
Furthermore Three60 has been allowed to evolve as an independent artist. There are no chains holding him back from speaking on what’s really going on in system of things, in this world. From the opening bar to the very last one, the message is clear and Three60 uses beautiful music to let you know that doesn’t matter if you throwing up the west, the east, the south or whatever, “Forever A Party” is a must have for a true fan of good music.
Follow the crew:
@ThisisThree60 Twitter and IG
@atgroxcg Twitter and IG
@11vox11 Twitter and IG
@yung_dirty_bastard IG
@stoley1st Twitter