Phantom Boy: “Ella Es” (Euro Urban Remix) is highly contagious
Eduardo González, artistically known as Phantom Boy is a Nationalized American originally from Caracas, Venezuela. Starting out as a child model, he moved on to participating in a theater group and the school choir. Later, Eduardo entered a song and dance audition and was one of the six leaders chosen to guide the Venezuelan group created and produced by the Peruvian Producer Luis Alva Lescano. The group, Los Fantasmas Del Caribe, exceeded #12 million record sales, certified by RIAA, and won important international awards. Upon leaving the band, Eduardo translocated to the USA, via Miami and then on to Los Angeles CA, where he has since embarked on a solo career.
Phantom Boy has been building his solo catalog with a series of Latin, Pop and Electro dance infused singles. We recently got to listen to the smooth rhythm and sweet melody of “Ella Es” (Euro Urban Remix). In terms of overall quality, I like this a whole lot more than I expected to.
I really didn’t know what to think going in, but I feel like this was a most enjoyable listen overall. Latin-flavored music has been put back into the spotlight in recent years with many crossover hits taking over the charts. On this track Phantom Boy sticks to Spanish, but for us ignorant English speakers, the song remains infectious and captivating.
The reason being, that intoxicating rhythm, and the easy on the ear melody. Phantom Boy sings, raps, and just goes all out in creating an ear-warming and booty moving sonic experience. Atop a percussion filled beat and swirling synths, Phantom Boy voice soars with heartwarming honesty.
It’s impossible not to fall in love with this smooth-flowing anthem. A few month ago, Jeff Benjamin wrote in Forbes magazine that “Latin Music Is Now More Popular Than Country & EDM In America.” And it is not hard to see why.
Latin music encompasses hundreds of styles and rhythms including mainstream genres such as Salsa, Tango, Merengue and Brazilian music, as well as traditional rhythms like Andean music, Puerto Rican Bomba, Cuban Son and Musica Llanera. And now with melding of Urban styles, it’s hard not to find some element in this music you like.
“Ella Es” (Euro Urban Remix) is a perfect example of this – you don’t like lyrics, there is the melody. You don’t like the melody, there is the rhythm. Together these elements give the song an uplifting and joyous vibe, which is tough to resist.
From what I can gather “Ella Es”, which literally means “She Is”, comes from a very sort of romantic point of view, but it has that rhythm that just makes you kind of groove along to it, so even if you miss the narration, you won’t miss the beat.
Phantom Boy proves himself to be a great performer and songwriter, bringing the pure simplicity of good music to the fore. The melody and the rhythm is highly contagious, and that Latino edge does all the rest!