BWH Music Group Presents “On Peace Street, Vol. One, by Various Artists”
In times of global economic and political unrest, there is hardly a better time to reflect on the truly important things in life: world peace, social justice, love and unity. Composers of all epochs as well as contemporary musicians have made the desire for these values an important subject of their music at some time or other. No matter, the genre or style – the subjects of peace, love and unity has always been an integral part of the international music scene. Teresa Jennings once wrote: “If I could write a magic song that everyone could sing, I would write of love, of hope and joy, and things that peace could bring. And when we sang my magic song, all hate and war would cease. If I could write a magic song, I’d write a song of peace.”
BWH Music Group have just released a compilation album “On Peace Street, Vol. One, by Various Artists”, which contains a collection of 19 original songs in various genres by today’s best independent artists and songwriters. These songs, which ultimately follow Jennings’ magic song above-mentioned formula will remind you of the importance of peace, fairness, love and unity. If the celebrated phrase: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,” is something that ignites your conscious flame, then the themes on, “On Peace Street, Vol. One”, will completely set you on fire.
This is what the comprehensive independent artist and song track list on “On Peace Street, Vol. One, by Various Artists” offers:
I Wish I Was Wrong by The Reverent – The song highlights environmental and ecological disasters as well humanities impact on the world from a personal perspective. The Reverent are a new band on the festival scene from Somerset, UK.
Love Is Everywhere by Stacy Jones – The song was written in the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre and before the annual Seattle Pride festival. It is a declaration and tribute to the fallen and to those who stand up for human rights and the power of love.
Beautiful Heart by Kala Farnham – The artist who knows firsthand how much it hurts to survive sexual trauma, sings about the strength and resiliency that the human soul is capable of. Survivors are courageous, resilient women.
Pretty Words by Sylvie’s Songs Feat. Amanda Sullivan – This is a song about the cycle of emotional abuse. The song explores the “honeymoon” period in an abusive relationship where the abuser shows a side of themselves that the victim may truly love, pushing them further into the relationship and the continuous cycle.
Rise by Nicki Kris – The song was originally written after the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It is an empowerment song that encourages people, especially women, to speak out against injustice. It also calls for people to go out and vote, and to advocate for what is right.
Our Little War by Old Brave Souls – The band wrote the song after the emotional impact they felt when they heard the news about the Parkland, FL shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the overwhelming number of shootings that plague our communities. The band was moved to write about what if feels like to be powerless and defenseless in your own backyard.
We Shall Overcome by Chakra Bleu – The song was first written to highlight the injustice in the Michael Brown shooting, along with many shootings that followed. The song, however, is not about hate, it is a song of unity. It calls upon humanity to unify in dignity, freedom, justice and equality.
Who Will Stop the Nuclear Clock? by Léonie Gray ft. Matthew J. Bongiorno – The song speaks about the increase of nuclear weapons in the world and how it is a threat to mankind. It was written by Bruno B. Vallelunga and recorded by Léonie Gray (on the melody in the chorus) and Matthew J. Bongiorno (as the narrator during the spoken word section).
All That Matters by KatieBeth – KatieBeth was standing at the Nashville airport when a young woman pulled up alongside the road and got out of her car. The woman started to fidget with some items in her hand while anxiously looking at the arrivals screen and her watch. A couple minutes later, a soldier in camo greens came rushing out. He dropped his bag on the floor and they hugged like they hadn’t seen each other in ages. In that touching moment, KatieBeth witnessed “all that matters.”
Soldier’s Song (4th Street Version) by Lakotah – The song aims to create awareness for the need to do everything possible to help those torn apart from conflicts across our world, from the soldiers to the children. The track will also be featured on the upcoming Refugee Relief Charity Album Project created by Kathleen Wirt.
Karma by Emily Cole – The song explores the emotional and psychological pain caused by mean-spirited, bullying behaviors. The philosophy of “do unto others as you would want done to you,” and the ripple effect of our actions take center stage.
One by Fareed El Boricua Arabe – The song was inspired by Fareed’s dream of a world without racism. The song calls upon humanity to create a unified world. Fareed was a founding member of the legendary Freestyle Group Spirit Matter.
Dueños de Aquí by Labán – This is a protest song against corruption, impunity and extreme income inequality inspired by the current social and political climate in Mexico.
Live Your Life by Coast 2 Coast Feat. The Fantastic Gems – This is an inspirational song about being brave, believing in yourself, and living your best life. An international collaboration, it was written by Greek guitarist Vassilis “Blue” Sotiriou and Coast 2 Coast vocalist Robert Finney.
Humanity by Radio Drive – Humanity is a song about love and unity. The song caught the attention of producer Stuart Epps, who has worked with many notable musicians and bands in the past including Elton John, George Harrison, Oasis, and many more.
Song For Peace by Peter Unger – This is a message to the world about unity. It is a call to be united, not against each other, but against war and hate. Pastor Peter Unger is an inspirational singer-songwriter.
The Color Of by RW Roldan – This is a song that shines some light on the ignorance and fear that contribute to racism and the judgement of others based on race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and more.
United (To Save The World) by Kate Magdalena – is a song written for all who care about the future of our world. From clean air to clean water, to the right to natural foods and for all people to live in freedom, our world has challenges like never before. Deborah Whitman, environmental activist, wrote the lyrics, and Kate Magdalena set it to music.
Don’t Worry by Jamie Lynn Vessels – is a roots-rock song about healing everyday problems by putting an optimistic spin on worries and anxiety. The popular song was written initially for the writer herself; however, Vessels hopes that others will find solace in her message and music.
On Peace Street, Vol. One, by Various Artists is available on CdBaby.