DaTrillion – “Perfect Man” drips with honesty
The new wave of rap music has firmly established in the past years. Furthermore, we live in an era in which rap and hip hop music is no longer considered subversive and has been sufficiently integrated into the core of mainstream culture. Its fruits are apparent, just by browsing the Billboard charts, and checking the Grammy’s. With the genre continuously expanding and evolving, it’s always surprising what kind of direction rap is headed to with the plurality of its voices. 2015 to 2019 yielded a plethora of captivating newcomers, many whom are now household names. This year, we predict that it will be no different. So we kick off 2020 with DaTrillion from Wichita, Kansas.
Everything DaTrillion has released thus far is tightly crafted to fit his polarizing character and style. His latest track, “Perfect Man”, is no different. Here he forges a laidback mellifluous-styled sing-song rap. Like on most new wave cuts, this one is all about the vibe and groove. DaTrillion is cool and catchy. There isn’t a moment where the rapper, doesn’t sound completely, and endearingly in the pocket, and stoked.
That kind of total commitment is all too rare on any rap track, new wave or otherwise. DaTrillion doubles down on every sword, injecting high levels of chill vibe. The rapper’s economical catchphrase style of rapping is hypnotizing on the senses, as he sings: “I know that I ain’t been the perfect man.” Along with helping to turn trap into a smart pop-hop vibe, his tracks are easy on the ear, contagiously catchy, and occasionally enhanced by rousing choruses.
The entire running time of “Perfect Man” plays out like an extended chorus, while the ticklish electric piano is as addictive as DaTrillion’s bouncing flow. Overlooking the power of catchiness is where some might underestimate his appeal. What DaTrillion delivers in essential lyricism and fresh originality, the rapper doubles up in manufacturing what’s infectious and easy on the ear.
After certifying the simple catchiness of “Perfect Man”, the question is no longer, can DaTrillion make another one? It’s now, how many more can he make? This sounds like a commercially appealing record. It’s a nice groove, the keys are warm and the mix sounds appropriate for sober ears.
With complementary lyrics in his verses, and with just as many ear-wormy hooks and straightforward lines that stick in your head for weeks, the highs of this track are structured perfectly and never overstay their welcome.
“Perfect Man” is laidback and chill, but all the while never losing the bass heavy feel of modern hip-hop songs. It’s a beautiful expression of romantic devotion, the kind you never hear in pop music anymore. This is music that luxuriates in the beauty of human connection. DaTrillion’s penmanship drips with honesty. He creates sustainable storytelling, while also displaying his artistry.