“Ocean” – The New Video by Lara Lova
“Ocean” by Lara Lova, is an emotional inspiration, and a dedication to all living things. It’s creamy and huge, coupling the beautiful character of her voice with a pulsating production of gentle euphoria. The explosion of the choruses hit like golden sparks showering from the sky – one of many well executed pay offs which prove that her ambitions are well warranted. Lara Lova greatest strength remains her wistful, wood-windy voice. It has natural charm and raw emotional relatability, which plays well against the electronic production and the track’s sheer desire to be a colossal hit.
Music is a timeless, borderless and healing bridge between us people. Music doesn’t care for religion, colour, birth or language.
“Your eyes like an ocean – so full of tears / till the last drop has fallen – after so many years…”
Music & Lyrics: Lara Lova. Video production: Lara Lova. My music for your soul!
Моя любимая музыка для тебя!
Tвои глаза – целый океан, выплаканные до последней слезинки.
Их лучик света, что мой путь освещал, ночь превратила в звёздные льдинки.
Песня : Океан
Слова & Музыка : Lara Lova
Продюсер : Viktor Stärk ( Style Records )
MORE ABOUT: Lara Lova lives in the South of Germany. Her passion is music in all variations, with no limitations in sounds, styles and lyrics. She is a female singer & songwriter, and her lyrics are written in Russian, English, German and French. She favours romantic ballads in various genres, but is open to Сountry, Pop, Dance music or electronic influences as well. She wants to be free, in choosing between the various styles of music and doesn’t accept borders. “I use the music style, that I feel my song needs,” says Lara. “I like to compose out of the box.” With her songs she wants to share her inspirations, her feelings and thoughts and invites the audience to follow and listen to her musical journey.
Connect with Lara Lova:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/laralovamymusic
APPLE: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lara-lova/1486680929
DEEZER: https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/78128252
CDBABY: https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/LaraLovaAndLaralovaAndWolfgang
JANGO: https://www.jango.com/music/Lara+Lova
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/674OIk9t1w9xy7jqrL5XLG
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkExjbG29O-W2ZnIOhKeMw
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7E8mRB6xykQ7Lzb9nDVGx8