Omnipotent Resolution taken from the new Uniqueness album “As You Listen Ephphatha”
Recently we had the world premiere of the conceptual short film/music video for the song Omnipotent Resolution from the new Uniqueness album called, “As You Listen Ephphatha”. It’s sometimes hard to find the words that accurately bring justice to this kind of forward thinking experimental works. With their distinctive mélange of sound, vocals and instrumentation, as well as highly imaginative soundscaping and powerful spiritualism, Uniqueness brings something challenging and highly emotive to the table.
Omnipotent Resolution is mysterious, graceful and beautifully imaginative. The track is extraordinarily delicate, and the melodic strains shift and sway with exquisite gentleness, while underneath, the rhythmic belly drives its momentum with dynamic impulses that skitter, skip and repeat, running free, liberated from the conventional song structures that plague mainstream music.
Alongside the ongoing explorations of dissonance, discordant structures and almost free-form avant-garde motifs, Uniqueness eloquently manage to embrace warm melodic tonal sounds. It’s quietly exhilarating stuff, imbued with a deep sense of self and the spiritual wonders of the universe and beyond.
The music’s complexity and emotion, and its undeniable psychedelic power, is not simply gifted to you. Omnipotent Resolution demands patience and a certain surrender to the fact that you’re going on a new, unexpected, gently twisting and stimulating journey. This is music that will leave a mark on you and stay with you for a long time to come.
Connect with Uniqueness at their website: http://uniquenessllc.com
Omnipotent Resolution from Uniqueness LLC on Vimeo.