TunedLoud Magazine July 2020
TunedLoud Magazine July 2020 – FEATURED ARTISTS: Blac Lou Caine & Dru Yates, Terry Barber, J Nikolé, A Guy Named Will, Azure Sky, Sven Andrew, Melua, RonSoCold & Ravi Woods, AlexxMarie, Kellsey, Parmy Dhillon, Guilherme Wolf, donSMITH –
Tunedloud is the bigger, better and louder music magazine for artists who are breaking down the barriers and pushing the boundaries of independent sound.
By Rick Jamm in TunedLoud Magazine
32 pages, published 7/28/2020
TunedLoud Magazine July 2020 – FEATURED ARTISTS: Blac Lou Caine & Dru Yates, Terry Barber, J Nikolé, A Guy Named Will, Azure Sky, Sven Andrew, Melua, RonSoCold & Ravi Woods, AlexxMarie, Kellsey, Parmy Dhillon, Guilherme Wolf, donSMITH – Tunedloud is the bigger, better and louder music magazine for artists who are breaking down the barriers and pushing the boundaries of independent sound.