BRXKN – an aura of confidence that surrounds “Drug Letters”
BRXKN is a 21 year old artist from New Jersey. He is based out of BookZos Studio in Paterson, where he is also the head engineer under Zo. Back with his sophomore release, “Drug Letters”, it is safe to say that BRXKN knows exactly what is expected of him sonically and thus, is able to deliver just that. The track remains true to the rapper’s sound from his previous release; a heavy trap beat, cocky lyrical content and twisting vocal melodies are the nucleus of the song.
The beat is composed of strong bass and an army of handclaps and hi-hats that juxtapose oh so well, with the rich and layered backing vocals. BRXKN rolls out a breathless and angst-filled, rapid-fire flow. The beat has a faster pace than its predecessor and is equipped with a bounce that harmoniously marries the quick and confident lyrics.
The Paterson-based rapper not only talks his talk, but manages to walk his walk by spitting quick and domineering verses. That kind of energy matched with the rhythmic and hypnotic beat makes the song a force to be reckon with. What really sets BRXKN apart is his vocal nuancing. His twisting sing-song rap melodies give his music character, offer a unique listening experience, are genuinely entertaining, and bring a titillating feel to the music at times.
While speaking of carnal matters, on “Drug Letters”, BRXKN’s vocals include vocoder effects which adds a nice touch to his music. This track showcase that BRXKN knows who he is artistically. He knows what he’s got, and he’s not afraid to flaunt it. Armed with a relentlessly consistent flow, and a blend of hedonism and menace, there is an aura of confidence that surrounds BRXKN on this track.
There’s a depth to “Drug Letters” that immediately becomes clear, something that was obfuscated amidst the joyous debauchery of “Temporary”. Over and above its incessant psychedelic groove, “Drug Letters” will be praised for its depth, its emotional explorations, and BRXKN refining his voice, as well as the rapper’s ability to balance the song’s deeper theme, with his signature wit and snarling melodic gravitas.
“Drug Letters” succeeds for many reasons, but part of its appeal is how effortlessly impacting BRXKN sounds throughout. The entire record is so precisely attuned to the rapper’s strengths that he comes across as super energized and completely in control. On “Drug Letters”, everything sounds and appears to perfectly thought-out.
On the whole, “Drug Letters” can be considered an authentic achievement. BRXKN sounds even more complex than his previous single led us to believe, and his ability to express an elaborate array of emotions within the span of a couple of bars is a singular talent.
BRXKN is an artist that prioritizes flow, diction, and cadence within his melodic motifs. In short, if you’re a fan of BRXKN, or the new wave rap movement, in general, this track might be all you need. It’s got pretty much everything fans of the style have come to expect.