SOZIALES HETZWERK release the first single from the upcoming album “Provokateur”
The second album by German rockers SOZIALES HETZWERK is due to be released on May 1, 2021. The record is called “Provokateur” and was again made with the active support of musicians from all over the world.
In order to shorten the waiting time until the new album, the band around the musician Jim Schatzmann brought the first single “Hetzer” onto the market on March 19, 2021. A raw, rocking title with provocative lyrics (in German) and a sing along chorus.
Since the album itself is very varied, the single is only a small glimpse into the diversity of the new record.
Guest musicians:
Drums – on all songs: Jake Naugle (USA)
Piano – Solo on “ein Liebeslied”: Rainer Jadischke (Süd-Afrika)
Saxophone – Solo on “ein Liebeslied”: Kevin Scott (USA)
Guitar Solo on “Die Besten vom Westen”: Lukky Sparxx (Chile)
Mix and Mastering: Dorian Quäl
There is the opportunity to get hold of the album on all common download and streaming platforms (worldwide). A limited CD version will also be available.
More information is available on the band’s homepage: www.soziales-hetzwerk.at
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dassozialeHetzwerk
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sozialeshetzwerk/
SPOTIFY SONG LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/09gIOe75yCIIDqwxLVDU8V?si=fOgDNwhARQuE3g2T5MvFLg
SPOTIFY ARTIST PROFIL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QosRxKKWq6J5LKqstLAZ2?si=Fe9md8IfSOaXtJBu8LOgFA