Pittsburgh Artist Big Regg Has A Story Tell
“I was born in Pittsburgh PA, and unfortunately I was the kid that grew up in the system. Growing up in group homes really inspired me to write music because I have a story to tell. My biggest influences in the music industry are Drake, Lil Wayne, and Jay-Z. My sound is so unique and different because you hear the pain and you feel the passion in my music when you see me perform live. I love real hip-hop music, I love to use the voice that I was blessed with, and you will rarely hear me use auto tune in my music. Every song I write, there is a purpose behind it and that’s what makes the music so organic and fun to listen to, because you never know what to expect. I have been releasing music nonstop since 2020, and I don’t plan on stopping no time soon. I will be hip-hop’s next biggest prodigy” – Big Regg
Connect with Big Regg:
Instagram: @big.regg412
Facebook: Reggie Turner
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7K728z568xDzNWtqI3vnnX?si=8kxBT900S8CxjrAEiJJd7g
Website: https://linktr.ee/Big.Regg412
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/knpvEEMnHTVHHXTR8
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCZSXZbhZPbFDThiAtTP0eBA
Where To Buy Your Music: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Kobe?id=Bltrrb77igi5kxrsgonv35dioae&hl=en_US