Hendryck Empole – ‘Night Till Dawn’ will leave a lasting impression!
The idea that somebody, somewhere, is out there making surprisingly unexpected music in the name of progression, is an enduringly exciting one. Whether you’re a R&B-hearted futurist, a rock n’ roll thrill seeker, or a darkwave and synth-pop admirer, Hendryck Empole has a musical language on his single “Night Till Dawn” that is simply irresistible. Vocal fluency, creative lyrical syntax, and ease of musical expression, are rare and cherished things, and as a result of these skills, Hendryck has produced a work of real emotional depth.
Profound, ambitious and more focused than his ever been, Hendryck Empole centers “Night Till Dawn” around a brooding but catchy-as-hell vocal melody, and a thumping slow burning beat. Hendryck’s secret weapon has always been his resonant vocal tones, and when you combine that with such a dark and soulful backdrop, you have emotion-inducing, atmospheric gold.
Don’t sleep on the way the vocal phrasing switches up and veers, between the verses and choruses, because it’s straight fire. On so many levels, it feels like Hendryck Empole kicked aside his shoes and decided to simply be whatever he wanted to be, to the point at which nothing is impossible for him. There’s a sonic fullness to “Night Till Dawn”, which dissolves into a lush, resounding beat and penetrating vocals.
“Night Till Dawn” demonstrates that Hendryck Empole is not content to coast on the coattails of any of his previous releases, seeking rather to elevate the watermark each time. Underneath all the sonic splendor, there’s something undeniably intriguing about Hendryck Empole, and his approach to making music. More lilting and more angular than his peers, Hendryck possess a grand knack for the songwriting beauty infused into his tracks.
On “Night Till Dawn” Hendryck Empole allows his voice to reach gorgeous new heights. It’s wistful, reflective and totally engaging. In the background, the track is filled with a grandiose orchestral arrangement that swells and builds to dramatic walls of sound, without ever being overwhelming. It will leave a lasting impression, making you want to hit the repeat button almost immediately.
To be completely honest, the production on “Night Till Dawn” is absolutely phenomenal, and brings a large quantity of maturity to Hendryck Empole’s music, proving he is a force to be reckoned with. Hendryck has certainly turned a corner in his willingness to be a little more diverse than his peers and contemporaries. His performance and songwriting here, is constantly surprising and will leave you wanting more.
If you’ve ever loved a Depeche Mode song, you will adore “Night Till Dawn”, as it sums those same qualities in every department – from the music to the vocals. There is a kind of assuredness in Hendryck Empole, who is as comfortable as he is confident in what he is doing.
Hendryck takes what could have been an excellent record and makes it spectacular. If “Night Till Dawn” serves one purpose, other than of course being another impressive piece of musical art from Hendryck Empole, it is to prove that the singer-songwriter is at the top of his game.
“Night Till Dawn” is story full of emotion and meaning, and it commands the listener’s full attention. It shows that Hendryck Empole is poised and ready to step into the limelight with one of the finest records he has released yet.
More About: Hendryck Empole is an emerging independent singer, songwriter and model who made his professional solo recording debut in 2020 with the single “99 Minutes”. He was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo, surrounded by music. His older cousins shared his passion for music and urged him to pursue it. Hendryck was exposed to new styles of music after relocating to the United States at the age of eight. He discovered his love for writing music while attending a performing arts school.
Connect with Hendryck Empole on INSTAGRAM and SPOTIFY.