True Confidence – “Comfortable” makes a great impact!
Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, True Confidence is an R&B and hip-hop, singer, songwriter, pianist, producer, and actor. His latest single, “Comfortable” is a mid-tempo, pulsating marvel of economical and soulful R&B that satisfies all that his fans have come to crave — that high dozy warble, those out-of-the-blue hooks — while pushing his melodic groove into the future. Somewhere between world-weary and sentimental, the new song ups his usual game considerably. A steady banger filled with flitting shimmering guitars, slapped beats and skittering hi-hats, the singer’s tenor pulls you further into the track’s romancing mannerisms. The song undoubtedly deserves all the attention it will receive.
In his lyrics, True Confidence strikes a perfect balance between the embrace of self-reflection and the innate search for love. It’s clear after the opening bars that with “Comfortable”, the singer sets a high standard for himself, but his future stretches endlessly before him, full of potential. Vocally, True Confidence is firmly invested, without forcing things. Lyrically, the vibes are positive, as he explores love and the great opportunities ahead of him.
True Confidence’s vocals are both smooth and robust, characterized by distinctiveness. Throughout the song’s course, his voice is what shines the most. In addition to his vocal maturity, the excellent production work provide a lift. Crisp and clean, there is no overproduction or noticeable auto-tune here – just a heavenly voice draping you in warmth. His delivery grabs the listener’s attention allowing them to dive into his world. Besides the musicality, the lyricism is genuine and vibrant too.
True Confidence has a sophisticated voice that possess an underlying power, making his words sharp while maintaining their melodic quality. He has the poise and development of an artist that has been doing this much longer than I think he has.
And if this single is any indication, we’ll be hearing those vocals for a long time to come. While True Confidence’s sound resides in the middle of R&B nostalgia and new wave hip-hop, his lyric sheet can only come from a writer of the present.
True Confidence spins relatable poetry, sitting on rhyme schemes as comfortable as his production. “Comfortable” represents an artist who displays engaging songwriting with the potential to be even more with subsequent releases.
There’s no doubt that he will eventually blossom into something bigger, right in front of our eyes. It is always evident when an artist actually writes their own music, because their true feelings can be felt through their music, and that is exactly how you’ll feel when listening to this song.
Overall, “Comfortable” makes a great impact, showing that True Confidence continues to get better as an artist and that he has an extremely bright future ahead of him. If you are a fan of R&B, soul, Hip-hop or pop and haven’t already heard True Confidence’s music, I highly recommend you check it out. The singer-songwriter lets the full extent of his talent shine through here, with some of the engaging vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and memorable melodies all showing up on this one song.
Connect with True Confidence on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube @Trueconfidenceofficial