Brandon Wolf Hill: “Treble” ft. Sciamachy and Benjamin James Parrish – a diverse work!
Brandon Wolf Hill holds his own in the pantheon of swag-era, post-ringtone-rap, and manages to be mostly lyrical in a mostly post-lyrical hip-hop landscape. Even at his most plain moments, he manages to infuse a certain level of detail that is equal parts humorous, insightful and sensitive. Most young rappers seem to pull from a very small pool of influences, and it’s always been that way.
Brandon is one of those unique amalgams of artist who has his ear everywhere, and is aware of all the current trends in rap and electronic music, but who also seems to be extremely well-versed in a plethora of musical niches that came before him and that exist both inside and outside of the mainstream.
“Treble” featuring Sciamachy and Benjamin James Parrish, is a very diverse and consistent work, for an artist like this who seems to have so much going into and informing his work. The going trend now is to devalue your own work on purpose by over-saturating the market with free downloads full of cheap freestyles that repetitiously boasts of financial, social, artistic and sexual imperium, etc.
Brandon Wolf Hill balances his craft and sensitivity in a way that avoids these extremes to great success. He is a young artist who I think people should take time to consider. Not because his flow is awe-inspiring, or that his rhyme scheme is monstrously complex, or whatever other glossy aesthetic you may deem relevant to your taste.
No, it’s simply because of that word ‘sensitivity’, which is probably the most far removed word from the genre that you could imagine, and which ties in perfectly with another taboo word for the rap game – gay. Brandon Wolf Hill openly and proudly declares his sexuality.
In fact he claims he wants to be the best gay rapper out there! The only problem is, Brandon won’t know who he is competing with, seeing as many rap artists don’t have the courage to declare their ‘diversity’ in a rather stereotyped, one-dimensional industry.
No matter what Brandon Wolf Hill raps about on “Treble”, featuring Sciamachy and Benjamin James Parrish, or which words they use, the lyrics always sound pondered upon, affecting and carefully selected for the message it needs to send.
They’re not just thrown together to make an impact on the listener’s ears, but tend to reach more vital organs of the body, and the mind. So I’m not going to give you a history lesson or a long overblown analysis.
What I will tell you is that Brandon Wolf Hill has created something worth your time – something different to the braggadocio and misogynous-infected, super-macho gangsta-rap. And as with anything new, you might have to hit the repeat button a few times before you finally get into the vibe of what’s going on here. Laid back and cool, you’ll dig it eventually!
Jared Frazier (Sciamachy)
Benjamin James Parrish