Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere: “Gospel in Love” – Contemporary Christian worship music
Composer and multi-instrumentalist Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere is a master of Contemporary Christian worship music. There are songs on his album “Gospel in Love” to suit old and young alike. There are upbeat fast paced songs and slower tender praise. Each song is taken straight from scripture and brings people together for one person – Jesus. Each song speaks to you in many different ways. Rovere’s worship is genuine and his words move your heart closer to the Kingdom of God.
With each new song that passes on the album which has 17 cuts, you know to a degree what you’re getting: stirring, smartly-written worship anthems and intimate, heart-sundering Psalms. His blend of pop, rock and urban music is at once easy on the ears and purifying to the soul. His creativity and talent are readily apparent; at times subtle, and at others bombastic, his genius and skill always make themselves known.
Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere has an aptitude for penning catchy melodies and beautiful, God-centered lyrics. All share a singular focus: glorifying Jesus and leading others to Him. Commencing in a huge way with the destined-to-be-hymnalized “Gospel in Love” (feat. Ajlewis 13) and “Christmas Day Is Everyday in Peace and Love” (feat. Allevis), the album proceeds with a joyful urgency and an ethereal vigor—as if heaven itself is converging with earth. The former tune, a resounding declaration of God’s character and love and the Church’s identity within His saving arms. It is a profound and utterly moving examination.
“All the Saints Sing with Us” (feat. Nikkinjoku) is a piano-driven exclamation of the Savior’s love and providence; hope radiates in every lyric. One cannot listen to “Teopneutica Song” without feeling as if Jesus is speaking directly to you, meeting the listener in whatever his or her situation might be.
The album doesn’t let up from there; what comes next is a string of worship odes and anthemic, praise-driven songs that feel somehow both eternal and intimately immediate, as if they were written just for us and this day and age; as if they were songs the very choirs of angels sing, a current of divine, golden music leading directly to the Father in heaven.
They’re Psalms that speak to the human experience and offer comfort and worship and infusions of joy; they’re golden-glossed vantages presenting an awe-inspiring glimpse of what’s to come. Throughout, the album keeps a consistent pace and flow undulating naturally throughout and with each new song.
Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere is aided by several guest collaborators whose voices provide a refreshing change-up and elegantly supplement to the music. The standouts here include: “Hallelujah in Love” (feat. Cristina Rosso), “Thank You Lord for the Love” (feat. Raye Cole), “Joy Existence Walking in Love”, “Fly in God’s Love” and “I Feel Very Good”.
With this latest release, Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere has not lost sight of his calling, nor of his creative and artistic potential. Here he is better than ever; his musicianship and talent are on ready display. Here his heart of worship and joy radiates through every song, and he offers a lasting collection of gorgeously-crafted songs that the whole world ought to sing. Here on “Gospel in Love” his God-anointed purpose continues, and it has never been more meaningful, and more transcendent.