Kelvin Frazier, Ph.D. – “Conquer All” is an uplifting and inspirational anthem
I know that as an artist that there is sometimes an inner push to get out of the norm of what you do, even if it’s what you do well. I came to love Kelvin Frazier, Ph.D.’s music, based on the new way of looking at older formulas for constructing R&B music – his voice, with the softness of Smokey Robinson and urgings of John Legend, combined with a fusion of urban flavors, and emerging technologies in the creation of music. And so he had created his sound on his debut, which I came to love in a familiar way. Frazier has an almost supernatural power to combine influences into a coherent whole, while also conveying tremendous power and gravity via deceptively simple melodies and arrangements. Which he once again showcases on his latest release – the uplifting and inspirational anthem, “Conquer All”.
When Kelvin Frazier, Ph.D.’s falsetto emerges from the opening bars, and later lounging in the middle register, before swinging up into the soaring chorus, we have confirmation: Kelvin Frazier is back. And he sounds as good, if not better, than ever.
In hindsight, it should come as no surprise that it took a surge of social and civic upheaval to shake a new Frazier record loose from the firmament. Frazier is keenly attuned to the environment’s effect on the individual, and is a passionate advocate for the health and afterlife of the human soul.
Kelvin Frazier, Ph.D. spends the majority of his time on “Conquer All”, exploring the healing power of love and the deleterious effects of love gone wrong. In a universal sense. His compassion for his subject remains near, as he comments with grudging respect, “Where did we go wrong, what happened to the love. We need to find peace, with love we’ll conquer all.”
These lyrics are topical and current to any generation of strife, but Frazier had the good sense and generosity to understand we needed to hear this now. It’s the urgent indictment of our times.
“Conquer All” never engages in retro indulgence or panders to a specific audience, it simply steps outside of the timeline to become a staggering testament to the power of craftsmanship and vision. Always conscious of mood and atmosphere, Frazier works his craft with astounding patience, letting the song rise and fall as gracefully as the ocean.
He never gives himself over to showy vocal runs or indulgent displays of talent. He’s keen enough to know that the song is what matters most. That isn’t to say he doesn’t let his voice loose, he does, but they’re always understated, low key enough to miss if you’re not paying attention.
Through this song, Kelvin Frazier, Ph.D. confirms that music and song, is the last bastion of true human connection, as we all continue to live through our touch screens.