Incentive La Marvellous: “Do What Your Born To Do” – hope and determination!

Hip-hop grew up on impoverished neighborhoods and to be successful starting from there, requires an unwavering belief in oneself. Hence most Hip-hop songs bleed self-promotion and self-esteem and the confidence seeping through these tracks is contagious. Moreover the intrinsically competitive nature of the game means that artists often portray a persona of invincibility and attempt to conceal their weaknesses. Critics argue that this nature, means that Hip-hop artists on the whole are unable to display any sense of vulnerability. But that’s not wholly true, and an artist like Incentive La Marvellous proves that much on his latest track, “Do What Your Born To Do” produced by AnnoDominination. The Canadian R&B artist who fuses Hip-hop into his personal creative formula, delivers a song that covers both the darker precarious moments in his life, as well strong messages of resilience, to overcome significant strife.

There is an un-quantifiable beauty in the struggle to succeed or overcome and it is rarely a straightforward process. And what always catches my eye are artists like Incentive La Marvellous who lay out their journey for all to see.

The mindset from these rappers to defeat any obstacles, reflects their deep ambition and hunger. For young people, this can be motivational when trying to make sense of the world and achieve their dreams despite any ordeals. And that is what “Do What Your Born To Do” aims to achieve in its own way.

“Do what you want to do, cause I believe in you. And you’re free to be who you wanna to be. Do what you wanna do. Do what you need to do. Just as long as you see it through. Ain’t nobody gonna fuck with you,” sings Incentive La Marvellous.

Without sugarcoating the hook with metaphors, he uses his ability to uplift through a direct psychological approach. This is a record about the dark places your head goes when you’re in a susceptible position, and then somehow gives the world a message of hope and determination.

Incentive La Marvellous explains that he wrote the verses during a dark period in his life and then added the hook later, “to represent the inevitably positive outcomes we can achieve through sticking with our dreams in spite of the many obstacles one shall experience along the way!” he concluded.

Either way, he proves himself to be soul-bearing, bold and talented. Incentive La Marvellous is an artist that stands out on his own with music that is sharp and innovative. Poetic and smooth, he has a flow that hits every note in every verse, with profound lyrics.

Unlike many other artists on the current scene, Incentive La Marvellous brings a deep dose of truth and vulnerability, paired with resilient vocals and diverse lyrics that offer a fresh new approach. “Do What Your Born To Do” is undeniably distinctive.


One thought on “Incentive La Marvellous: “Do What Your Born To Do” – hope and determination!

  1. Thank you for providing such a well written and complementary article towards our most recent track release!!!

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