Jay Machiavelli – “Get Rich” – a maestro of his narrative!
With this new single, “Get Rich”, Jay Machiavelli once again reminds us that he’s an emcee first and foremost, and perfectly capable of delivering quality music, as well as stirring the pot when needed. As the title suggests, this time around the theme is stacking papers. On a broad level, this latest track manages to compile all of the aspects that make Jay a great emcee while maintaining the honesty and vulnerability that is missing in a whole lot of his peers. In peak lyrical form, displaying the wit and urgency found on his previous release, Jay is even smoother on the flow here.
So, why write a review on him? Jay Machiavelli is one of those artists who run the risk of being an overlooked and underrated hip-hop artist in today’s twisted music landscape, and to prevent those in the culture from inadvertently failing to pick up his latest release, this review is a necessity.
An artist, DJ, and Engineer, with a Bachelor’s degree majoring in Digital Audio Recording Arts, and minoring in business, Jay Machiavelli is also a co-founder of the Rare Deviation Record Label. This puts him firmly in the driver’s seat as an independent artist. Talented is an understatement. But it’s amazing how the most talented artists are often ignored because they don’t dance around with half-naked women in their videos.
“Get Rich” is literally the money-making story almost every hip-hop artist tries to portray on their albums and mixtapes, but Jay Machiavelli does it with such simplicity, style and passion: “I’m the underdog that you really want to bet on,” he says.
And even though he drops a line like: “Me and my homies are trying to get rich,” it’s clear the Jay has more honorable things to do with the cash than just flex: “I want the money so the fam don’t go hungry,” he raps. When it comes to bars, Jay continues to prove to be a lyrical heavyweight, and has done so track after track.
“Get Rich” is purposeful, poignant, and perhaps most surprisingly, peaceful. Though there is urgency in the pace of his rhymes, Jay Machiavelli raps with a cool laidback vibe on the track. That may have to do with the confidence he displays here.
Jay has always been introspective and emotionally resonant but where some tracks may have been displacing blame, “Get Rich” accepts responsibility, and warns everyone else to do the same. The track seems to genuinely accept the realities of life as it is. “Get Rich” is the perfect balance between bars and introspection. It feels like a natural description of a multitude of highs and lows.
Whereas some rappers litter their rhymes with infinite fabrications, Jay Machiavelli seems forthright in his storytelling and imagery. On “Get Rich”, Jay remains the maestro of his own narrative, dropping insight and gems along the way.
In some instances his simple sentiments sound like universal truths. Jay Machiavelli has a talent that refuses to be ignored, and moving forward, each track he releases, is geared to making sure audiences notice him.