Goodnite Robicheaux drops New Single – “Run The World”
Goodnite Robicheaux is an indie soul duo composed of singer Jamison Mode and songwriter Justin MacDonald. The Second single off the album, “Run the World,” discusses the everyday struggles of addiction within our community from the perspective of the addict. For many, the topic of addiction is a real life struggle. “This song is a pretty straight forward cry for help. It’s a statement. We all got things that we need… not want… NEED…”– Jamison.

In the first line, “somebody told me you wanted me to die, that’s a call… Can’t get into” Jamison explains, “There have been times where death was on the table. Where whether you live or die depends on your next immediate action. What you do will seal your fate. That’s a lot of pressure for a “moment” and when it’s over you aren’t the same. This isn’t the same as dealing with depression. This is somebody coming for your life”
So candid and true you can’t help but relate to the smooth call and response of the hook and the second verse. Where a chorus of voices sing a need for “the medicine.” Despite the darker nature of this song, the real highlight is in the ending where the music drops out to a five part harmony that leaves you wanting more. That’s the magic.
When asked about the single Jamison says, “The song is about more than just needing medicine.” He goes on to explain that “Self-awareness is important when dealing with the darker side of your own ego. We feel like this is a song that people can relate to”– Jamison and Justin
“Run the World” is an upbeat and groovy song that you can get down to. It blends blues, funk rock, and a touch of World influence. Goodnite Robicheaux has a knack for blending familiar sounds while always keeping the listener guessing and engaged. Keep an ear out for “Run the World” off their new album The Green Line!!