Marion Julius – “Lost in You” is strengthened by her own originality
The songs on the album “Lost in You”, are multi-faceted, indiscernible entities. They can be tantalizing rhythmic ditties or deliciously hypnotic melodic twists. They are portals to psychedelic trips with that extra sonic garnish. They have too many dimensions for their genre to be perceived with certainty. Moreover, their fascinating leftfield complexities are the source of inspiration for eclectic artist Marion Julius. Marion raps, sings and uses the spoken work in a blend of robotic styled vocalizations.
It is difficult to affix a label to such a work, as it’s experimental avant-garde aesthetics draws from pop, dance, and electronic flavors. However, there is something about this project, which digs deep into the soil of emotion, all of which expands Marion Julius’ already considerable artistic capabilities. Fantastical and tender, uplifting and soothing, “Lost in You” feels like an amalgamation of many past to present sounds, to create something that’s both familiar yet highly adventurous to Marion Julies’ devoted listeners.
For those expecting club anthems, nothing is ever quite as straightforward when it comes to her music, nor can it be summarized so succinctly. Instead, “Lost in You” feels like an artist entirely strengthened by her own originality, as she processes her world of music, altering it with her own creative idiosyncrasies. From the moment, she opens the album with “Dangerzone”, “Gonna Get It” and “No Escaping,” it becomes clear that Marion Julius is in her own lane, both musically and vocally.
Though rhythmic, the beats are fairly minimalistic, allowing her voice to effortlessly echo, flow or dance over the top of them, as Marion unpacks a variety of tales and anecdotes. “Opera” brings forth her eerie falsetto over a beat-less foundation. It is followed by “Shake Your Booty” and “Wild”, both of which ride on a throbbing beat, while Marion Julius lays down her seductive, ethereal and playful voice.
“Funky Play The Game” is a freestyle, acapella-styled song, which leads to the wistful title track, “Lost In You”. Marion Julies slides on her sticky, sultry voice, which is embellished by the autotune-styled effect. The album closes with “If I Told You That”, featuring a solid drumbeat, a catchy keyboard motif, and risqué lyrics. If listeners surrender to the forces of this song, they will find a seductive and soothing ambience. This song is an excellent conclusion to a wholly diverse album, compared to anything on the mainstream.
Marion Julies is unconventional, daring, wistful and teasing. “Lost In You” is an incredibly original and bold project that refuses any easy categorization Marion Julies dives into sonic obfuscation without ever being eclipsed by the sound. Marion’s power is in how she allows herself to feel and let these emotions guide her artistic expression. Moreover, Marion’s musical genius provides the listener with a sonically engrossing experience.
If there is one thing you learn from the album “Lost In You”, its that you never know what you’re going to get from Marion Julies, except that It’s always going to be bold, unique, and fascinating, for sure.