“The Best of SmartBlackKid Vol. 2” – the apex of his recording career
“The Best of SmartBlackKid Vol. 2” is the 12th album by SmartBlackKid, and the second volume of his “Best of” series, showcasing select songs from...
Martin Strecker: The beauty of “Disco Extravaganza”!
Dance music should be pretty simple. Take one good slice of melody, surround it with atmosphere and attitude, and then add layer after layer of...
Natalie Jean: “Haiti Mwen Renmenw” – an ode to a legacy
On “Haiti Mwen Renmenw”, the new album by songstress Natalie Jean, the composition is brilliant, with wonderful use of the economy of sound (i.e. high...
Elle Casazza: “You”- credibility and catchiness
Hailing from Chicago, Elle Casazza began singing and performing when she was eight years old. After learning how to play the piano and guitar, it...
Jonathan Cavier: “When You Come Around” – energy and positive emotions
Pop singer-songwriter Jonathan Cavier has released his second solo album, ‘Blue Room’, which is available via iTunes and all major digital outlets. The first single,...
Ashley J: “Trapped” will never leave your head!
Pop songwriter and singer Ashley J recently launched her latest single artist “Trapped” via her production imprint, Bombshell Music, Inc. The song was written by...
Destiny Malibu: “Kissed By An Angel” shows an impressive range
Destiny Malibu has toured various US states and has performed at legendary locations like the House of Blues, the Viper Room in Hollywood, the Canyon...
Lexisugar: “The Journey” play to his strengths!
Currently there are many names bigger than Lexisugar when it comes to R&B and Soul mass acclamation. This may be because the Nigerian born record...
Lonescar: “More Chingon Than Before” – an evolutionary leap!
Formed late 2013 in the Rio Grande Valley, Lonescar put in a tremendous amount of work, playing numerous shows across south Texas. In 2014 the...
Jubril-Art: “The Reason” speaks life!
Born in Benin City, Nigeria, Jubril-Art now lives in Orset town in Essex, England, with his wife Iyobosa Osunde and their children. He’s been singing...