Singer-Songwriter Wants to Flood the Earth with a Love and Peace Revolution
Singer-Songwriter, Sankarshan Das, who began his songwriting career in the late 60’s during the legendary love and peace revolution era days in San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury district, has a written a song called “The Peace Formula,” which was very much appreciated by former US President Obama when he was in the White House. It has now been released on the Turn-On- the-World-Records label. (www.TurnOnTheWorld.com)
Listening to the song, it’s blindingly obvious that Sankarshan Das possesses a real passion behind the message he is trying to convey. This is reflected in his lyrics and performance that is delivered throughout the song. You can tell its right from the heart!
Designed to inspire others, the song includes words like “Here is the peace formula, please take it”. The song also gives a direct message for world leaders to change their ways, and this has already been met with a great response.
Here’s what Barack Obama wrote about this world transforming song on Christmas Eve back in 2015:
The White House, Washington
Thank you for writing. Messages like yours serve as an important reminder of the work that still lies ahead, and they reflect a commitment to staying engaged in shaping the future we know is possible. As long as I’m President, I’ll keep pouring everything I have into securing a brighter tomorrow for people across our country.
Again, thank you for writing. By embracing hope and speaking out on issues that matter to you, you can help make a difference. I want you to know I’m listening, and I wish you all the best.
Barack Obama
Music wise, ‘The Peace Formula’ possesses a great acoustic guitar sound and nice harmonies, accompanied within the chorus section. Sankarshan Das sees this as his opportunity to invite others to be a part of a new, exciting, and thrilling peaceful world order. Tune into “The Peace Formula” today. Turn on your higher consciousness. And bliss out by vibrating with the world solution instead of the world problem.
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